Our mission is to provide a platform for the genuine, balanced and inspirational education services for all in Uganda. We work by supporting, connecting and growing the capacity of all stakeholders within education with the aim of creating long lasting improvements in education quality and opportunity. Our programs are inclusive - we make space for, advocate for, and support the most vulnerable children and youth in our society.

Our approach is holistic; we recognise the interconnected nature of the stakeholders, the issues and the solutions. Since 2015 we have used our research, expertise and experience to develop an approach that focuses our work on 4 critical themes.


  • We guide, advise, share experience and expertise and above all support children and youth to progress. We work to show children and youth how they can do things for themselves rather than doing it for them.

  • We create networks of volunteers and professionals who can offer their experience, expertise and guidance to young people, thus broadening support and opportunity for all.

Youth Empowerment

  • We work with young people to support them through their education journey and to make the critical transition from education into the world of work. Our work focuses on enabling young people to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, confidence and resilience to find their own path and to be agents for change in their communities.

Capacity Building

  • We work to build skills, competencies and systems that create a sustainable foundation for continued improvements in quality of education and outcomes for children and youth. We work with people, groups and organisations that are concerned with improving the quality of lives and opportunities for children and youth. 

Sensitisation & Advocacy

  • We work to raise awareness and bring about change on issues that affect the quality of life and outcomes for children and youth. We work with parents, community groups, schools, organisations and relevant government offices to bring about systematic and sustained social change.

Access to Education

  • In addition to the 4 themes, we know that many children are unable to fully access education in Uganda, so we work with our funding partner The i.HUG Foundation to create ways for children and youth living with poverty to access high quality education and learning experiences.

  • We work on both sides of the issue - we break down the barriers that prevent children accessing quality education and we deliver high quality education and learning experiences through our programs.