We have worked to develop a range of programmes that help us deliver our mission to provide a platform for the genuine, balanced and inspirational education services for all in Uganda. All of our programmes fit within our core themes of Mentoring, Youth Empowerment, Capacity Building, Advocacy & Sensitisation and Access to Education.


  • Ekyoto Care

Youth Empowerment

  • Careers Education Programs

  • Vocational Education

  • STEAM Leadership for Girls

Capacity Building

Our main focus for capacity building is working with schools to develop teachers skills and school systems to make sustained improvements to the quality of learning for children and youth.

  • Teaching and Learning

    • Learn to Play, Play to Learn

    • Making Learning Active

    • Teacher training and school support on a range of areas including literacy, comprehension, monitoring systems (absenteeism & dropout), Social & Emotional Learning

  • First Aid in Schools

Advocacy and Sensitization

All of our programs include Advocacy and Sensitisation to ensure all stakeholders are committed to the objectives of the program and are able to support children and youth.

Access to Education

  • Sponsorship

  • Vocational Education Program