Holiday Sexual & Reproductive Health Camp.
Saturday Program - exploring how electrical circuits work.
Ekyoto is a Luganda word meaning “a fire place where food is cooked”.
“Ekyoto” was a place where adults passed on skills, wisdom and knowledge to the young to empower them for the challenging world that lay ahead. “Ekyoto” is also a source of light, warmth and security.
We chose the name “Ekyoto” for our Saturday and School Holiday program because we want children and young people to see our program as their own “Ekyoto”. We work to create. safe space where everyone is welcome and has the opportunity to participate and learn.
Ekyoto Care takes place at each Saturday and for four days a week when schools are closed for the holidays. For vulnerable children Ekyoto care provides much needed nutrition, a safe space to play and learn and an opportunity to develop new skills within a nurturing environment.
Ekyoto Care currently runs from two locations:
Kansanga Primary School and
Tooto Wetu Education Programme Offices in Kajjansi
We run a wide and rich range of fun, interesting and learning activities that engage all children and youth and foster their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Please contact us to find out more about this program.
Children enjoying painting and art activities